Thursday, August 26, 2010

Printable Letter Worksheets

This site may take some clicking through, but there are TONS of FREE printable Letter worksheets we can use for our book. They also have activities that go along with the letter if you need more ideas...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First School Letter Activities Website

Below is the website I have used in the past for preschool letter activities. There are a lot more out there - just google preschool letter activities - but this is a good starting point to get some song, worksheet and activity ideas for your letter. (For those of you who weren't able to come to the meeting this morning, more info is coming.) Remember everyone on your day to have a letter worksheet for the kids to color and then put them in the folder in the rotating box so we can bind them at the end of the year for their very own alphabet book (if a child isn't there on your week, put a worksheet in their folder anyway for them to color later, so they won't have missing pages in their book at the end of the year.)

Letter A Example

Here is a website that will give you a whole day's lesson plans for each letter...

here's a sample:
The Letter A

Language Arts

The sound this letter stands for is the short vowel sound - /a/ as in apple.

Theme words - apple, alligator, astronaut, animal, alphabet, ambulance, acrobat

Sign Language - teach the ASL sign for the Letter A

Poetry and Rhymes:

"Alligator Pie" by Dennis Lee
"Apple Song" by Frances Frost
"Applesauce" by Martha T. Lyon
"Animal Crackers" by Christopher Morley

Poems about apples!

Books to read aloud:

Ten Apples up on Top! by Dr. Seuss
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall
How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman
Alligator Shoes by Arthur Dorros
Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing by Judi Barrett


Composer - Tomaso Albinoni (1671 - 1751) or Leroy Anderson (1908 - 1975)

Songs - The Ants Go Marching, Animal Crackers(in my soup)


apples, animal crackers, applesauce, apple juice, avocado, alphabet soup

Bible Story/Character Trait

Adam and Eve/Attentiveness


Addition on an abacus - If you have an abacus this could be fun. If not you can use animal crackers or some other manipulatives and teach simple addition such as 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 + 1 = 4, 4 + 1 = 5, 2 + 2 = 4, 2 + 3 = 5. ( If your child is ready you could add up to 10 or more)

Color - aquamarine


Flower - aster
Mammal - antelope
Ocean Creature - abalone

Social Studies

You could learn about Johnny Appleseed, study the geography of Africa, or learn about the job of an Astronaut.

Art Project

Animal Paper Bag Puppet

Supplies: paper bag, construction paper, crayons, scissors, glue

Choose your favorite animal to draw on the bag. Use construction paper to add ears, whiskers, etc. Color the puppet. Have a puppet show.


Act out different animals actively.

Field Trip

Visit an aquarium or an apple orchard.

Online Shapes

This site may not be able to be worked into the Preschool class, but this is a cool shapes game (one of many) you can play on the computer with your kids...

Here is a site that gives songs for the sounds of the letters...

More Lesson Plans already made up

Here's another website FULL of AWESOME Lesson Plans with Letters, Shapes, Activities, etc.:

Go into the site and click on one of their lesson plans. They cover the following areas but have great general ideas:

Wiggle Activities and More!

Here is a site that has TONS of Wiggle Activities/Songs:

This one (that will make noise when you go to it, just a warning) has 31 days of Wiggle Activities, Crafts, and Recipes to use: